Minori, a female student, is a student whose only merit is her earnestness. One day, Minori, who came alone to practice club activities on the rooftop, witnessed Meguro, a student who failed to commit delinquency, and warned him. Takimoto, the homeroom teacher, also appears and reprimands Minori, but Meguro has built the worst collusion relationship in which Meguro has a classmate's female student and gives it to Takimoto in return for improving his grades. Then, the two set their sights on Minori, called her to talk about going on to higher education, and laid her body down... [*Images and audio may be distorted, but please understand that this is not a defect of the product itself]
APNS-298 Both Your Mouth And Your Dick Are Our Joint Property Class Sex Processing Female Student Minori Mashiro