Head of an organization plotting terrorism...Gasara. Yuki Himemiya, a secret investigator, contacts Kizaki, who oversees the science department, in order to infiltrate the organization and obtain evidence of wrongdoing. Yuki helps Kizaki who is attacked by someone. Witnessing Yuki's strength, Kizaki invites Yuki to join the organization. Kizaki takes Yuki to meet Gasara. And infiltrate the organization safely! …It looked solid, but in order to join the organization, I was told that I had to perform a ritual and drink certain holy water. Will secret investigator Sailor Agent YUKI be able to infiltrate the organization and prevent Gasara's evil deeds...? ! [BAD END]
TBW-027 Heroine Brainwashing Vol.27 ~Secret Girl Investigator Sailor Agent YUKI~ Rion Izumi
4 Jul, 2024