A multi-level marketing solicitation disguised as an app. Of course, I have no intention of joining, but the girl I matched with seems to be weak to pressure, so I persuade her and then... Somehow we end up alone, so I dangle the possibility of joining and play with her soft-looking body. She is reluctant, but when I forcefully take off her clothes, I reveal a delicate waist and perfectly round breasts, a slender body with big breasts... When I thrust roughly, the girl gets aroused, so this is the kind of masochist I like. She seems easily fooled and has a pretty face and body, so I'm going to train her thoroughly from now on, while also helping to change the world lol
CAWD-648 [Urgent tip-off] New program to fight multi-level marketing: Fight back against a weak-willed woman and have sex to change the world, Shitara Yuuhi
3 May, 2024