Tatsuo Kondo, a boy who goes to a university in Tokyo and lives alone. Due to the renovation of the house, my cousin Yasuhiro Yabe and my aunt Hisae Yabe are the house of my mother Ikumi Kondo. In other words, he lives in Tatsuo's parents' house. Tatsuo enjoyed his student life in Tokyo. Soon she was able to do Nao. However, living alone for the first time made me inwardly homesick. I lived while biting into the splendor of my mother, which I finally noticed when I moved away. And she said she wanted to see old photos, so I could have a reason to go home. And when I go home with her, I am fascinated by the charm of my mother that I had not noticed until now.
DOPP-017 Mom, much better than her ... Ikumi Kondo Hisae Yabe