This is the 13th installment of the best series in which Shota, a precocious boy who is known for his unrivaled love of breasts, plays pranks on busty beauties! A super busty teacher at an after-school daycare center, a beautiful busty delivery girl, a beautiful busty career woman, a busty high school girl, a busty big-breasted girl who wants to be a photographer, a busty private tutor, and a busty mom with an irresistible sexy waist! For 240 minutes, the naughty boy Shota licks, sucks, and squeezes the breasts of seven naughty beauties! The comic version of "Shota-kun's Naughty Pranks" is now available on the e-book floor!
RVG-223 Big-boob-loving play's naughty pranks BEST VOL.13